America the Beautiful - The Home of the Brave - The Land of the Free




Those three words have had special meaning to the people of this country for many years, yet there are those that are doing their best to see that no mention of God is used or said anywhere or anytime. And the A.C.L.U. is the main culprit behind this agenda. They have Distorted the Constitution of the United States, the Amendments to it, and many other Historical Documents, that our founding fathers of this Great Country believed in and wrote, so that all who followed them would have the same Christian example they set forth. Oh yes my friend, this Wonderful United States of ours was founded on Christian Values, Morals, Ethics, and our Laws are Christian based. I have listed the Documents to prove it at the end of this article, so anyone can research it for themselves in detail. However, I have included actual statements from these records in this article and some historical Facts that I believe will make my point.

I believe you will find it very interesting and worthy of study and discussion, and you will have a clearer understanding of the battle that is taking place all over this Great Land and around the World. I take a very strong stand on the side of our Christian Heritage that made this country what it is today. I believe God has blessed America beyond all other countries because of our faith in Christ. Pretty Bold Statement you say. Here is another one and I will Prove it. America was not founded on beliefs of; Islam, Muslims, Budha, Moon, Mahamed, Hindu, Confusious, Atheists, Agnostics, Withcraft, Satanism, K.K.K., or any others not mentioned.

It was founded on the belief in ALMIGHTY GOD OF ALL CREATION through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and nothing else. I make that statement because it is the Truth for one thing, But I believe it is time for Christians to Stand up, Speak up, and start making things right with God, RIGHT NOW ! It is very easy to see the battle lines of; GOD and satan, TRUTH and lies, GOOD and evil, RIGHT and wrong. Have you chosen a side yet? If not, lets look at what I have been talking about and find out the Truth about America and the Founding Fathers. To begin with, the folks who came to America on the Mayflower, were known as Puritans. They had broken away from the Church of England as Protestants and were called noncomformists there. They were strong in their Faith in God and lived by the Holy Bible. You will see that influence when you read the excerpts from the articles below. For a more indepth study, look up The Puritans on the web and you can read a complete History. Here are the Documents that you may look up and read for yourself. I have taken these statements from them so you can get the Truth of our beginnings. This was the start of


The First Virginia Charter

April 10, 1606

( Last Paragraph ) " .... by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory of his Divine Majesty in proagating of Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God....."

The Mayflower Compact

Nov. 11, 1620

" In the Name of God, Amen. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia. "

The Articles of Confederation

of the United Colonies of New England

May 19, 1643

" Whereas we all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in purity with peace; "

The Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776

" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. "

1st Amendment

U.S. Constitution

Sept. 25, 1789

" Congress shall make No Law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the Free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,or of the press;----"

First Congress



The first Congress that dicussed, considered, and voted on the First Amendment apparently did not believe in seperation of Church and State either, because in the same week they voted on the Amendment, they hired Chaplains and paid them with Public Monies. So here you have Government Public Financing of a Spiritual and Religious Function. Clearly the men who wrote and approved the 1st Amendment did not believe that Opening Prayers in Congress by Government paid Chaplains was a violation of that Amendment. And that practice continues even today without interruption ever since the first sessin of Congress so long ago. Now it seems clear to me, that if they can Pray in Congress and other meetings, then our Children should be able to in Schools, and I think they should say the Pledge of Allegiance also. Now if that offends some people, I Must remind them that this is AMERICA.

The Land of the Free, The Home of the Brave, Under God, and in God we Trust.

I think the Ten Commandments should be Displayed and Taught in every School along with opening Prayers, and in every Court House across this Land. I believe the A.C.L.U. (american communist lawyers union ) and anyone who thinks the same as them, should Leave America and find another country that doesn't believe in God and leave us alone. I pray that America would return to it's Roots, But I Think too many people here don't care, because if they did, we could really make a difference. I know a lot of progress has taken place but we are far from being where we should be. And that is in a close relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. God has Blessed this Land so greatly and He deserves all the Praise and Glory we can give. If a lot of things don't change soon, I think those Blessings will vaporize, Because even though God is about Love and Forgiveness, He is also a God of Judgement. I do not know how long He can hold back his judgement on Abortion, Homosexuality, Liers, Thieves, Adulterers, Fornicators, etc. I believe people should start being real careful about who they vote for and what different organizations they stand for, and if they don't conform to the standards of The God Almighty of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, get as far from them as you can if they won't change and Repent.

I strongly recommend searching through the articles above for the full content. You will find them interesting. And now, I hope you have a better understanding on why many people around this Nation are known as conservatives and for the most part Christian. It started out that way and it should stay that way. The Word of God proclaims it to be True.



" I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; No man comes to the Father,

But by Me. "

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