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The Candy Cane

" O Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is Good: for his Mercy Endures Forever. "

( Psalm 107 : 1 )


The Candy Cane

I had heard the story some years back and it stirred my heart as I am sure it will yours. I tell the story from the heart and from what I am reminded of when I see a candy cane. May this touch and warm your heart.

Many, many years ago a candy maker who loved the Lord so much, wanted to make a candy in honor of him. But not just any candy, A Special One! One that would tell of his life and the Great Love he has for all mankind. Now this might seem very difficult to do, but with God guiding his hand,he started the candy .

First it must be a hard candy, to remind us the Lord is our Foundation, our Rock that we build our Love and Faith on. It was Pure white in the first stage, that tells us of the Virgin Birth of Jesus, and His Sinless Purity. Then he shaped the candy in the shape of a shepherds crook because Jesus is the Good Shepherd just like the scripture, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. But amazingly enough, when the candy is turned upside down, It becomes the first letter of his name, Jesus. What a wonderful name, but there is so much more to tell.

So with the Lord in his heart, the candy maker added stripes to the candy. The stripes remind me of the beating Jesus took from the Romans before he was crucified . It is written that; By his Stripes, we are Healed. When we ask Jesus to come into our hearts, he begins to heal the broken and wounded spirit in us and he wants to have a personal relationship with each of us. But the stripes are not just plain stripes . The maker made three little ones and one big one, all of them red. The Large Red Stripe reminds me of the Blood Jesus Shed on the cross for our sins. And it was for this reason he was born.

At the very moment when Jesus died in our place on the cross, with one pierced hand he reached up to heaven and took Gods hand, and with the other, he reached down and took mans hand and brought the two together again with great love and Forgiveness.

The Three Little Stripes remind me of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and also that after Three Days he Rose from the Dead, so that believing in him, we may also have eternal life and not perish, for even death and the grave could not hold him.

So the candy maker with the Lords guidance had told the story of Jesus through the candy cane. But there is one more part to the story , our part. You see, when I share this story I break the candy in half because Jesus broke and shared the bread at the last supper and through him being broken we could be saved. He said he would return and I believe that time could be near . (1 Thess. 4:13-18).

It is my prayer that all who read this story truly know the Lord and are ready to go and not be left behind! Also you will notice that when you put the candy in your mouth, it is not only sweet, but the stripes begin to disappear and the candy becomes all white again. Just like when we accept the Lord in our life and our hearts we become white as snow for our sins are washed away.

May god Bless You, and keep you!


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