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Man & Dinosaurs

At Love for Christ ministry, we welcome you to read all of the subjects listed, and we hope that all of our readers understand that we do not look down on anyone that any of these articles might pertain to. Jesus died on the Cross for everyone, because everyone has sinned and has fallen short of the Glory of God." No one is righteous, no not one." ( Romans 3 : 10 and 3 : 23 ) It is our Mission to Love the sinner, but hate the sin that stands between all mankind and the Almighty God. And so these articles point out those sins according to God's Word and Allow His Word to bring folks back to the wonderful Love of God, through repentance and His forgiveness. For whatever reason you are reading this subject, we hope you ultimately gain a better understanding of the importance of knowing God personally and overcoming the powerful evil forces in the world. May God Bless.


" For we wrestle not against Flesh and Blood, but against Pricipalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of the Darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in High places.

Ephesians 6 : 12


I know that men and women have both fallen victim to the Lure of pornographic pictures, but I think men are more drawn to it because of their sexual nature, and it is a well known fact that men respond to Visual stimuli, more so than women. This is one reason that men are more vulnerable and can be consumed by it. Once a man looks at an image or photograph of this nature, it is burned into his mind and begins to create a hunger for more and more untill the addiction becomes overwhelming. The driving desire can then become costly, always looking for different pictures, movies and anything to satisfy the craving. Only you find that it is NEVER satisfied and you may become de-sensitized to real people, seeking them only for you're own personal pleasure. You don't believe it, you say!

Have you seen the evening news, as men have been arrested for downloading child pornography on thier computers? But you say, Well that is sick. You're right ! They lose almost everything they have too. Thier families, careers, everything. Recently, the world has seen children in Asia, being abducted and sold for sex. What kind of evil force, turns a persons heart so Dark and Cruel, that they could do that to little kids? Could that have happened to your daughter or son? You bet it could, because there are predators all around that only care about one thing. Their own Lusts. It does'nt just happen to the child porn user, or child abuser, either. It happens to the next door neighbor, the Boss, the best friends, the Banker, people in church, and more than likely, Someone you know Personally. No one is immune from this and the only way to fight it, is to realize just how Destructive and Dangerous, all the many forms of pornography can be. The Divorce rate in America is unreal today, and I often wonder how much is contributed by pornography. How many families have been torn apart and children left with a broken Home? Everything lost and destroyed because of a photograph that was seen, maybe as a teenager or a young colledge student. Think about it, Because you see, it does'nt stop with just one picture or one movie. It continues to grow in ones mind until it eventually destroys you and everything around you. Is it costly? Yes it is, and this is something that can even lead to suicide and murder. It just is'nt worth it. What is going on anyway? Is it possible that something is behind all this destruction? I believe there is, and you can be sure of one thing. Pornography may seem fun for a while, but the ultmate goal is to Steal, Kill, and Destroy everything in your life. The verse in Ephesians 6 : 12, at the beginning of the article say's it all. But there is hope for those seeking help, in dealing with such a powerful force.

If it is True that we are in a fight against an enemy, ( I believe we are because of all the Destruction of lives we see all around us ), then we need to find out who the enemy is, and what his plans are. Then start taking action to defeat what ever comes against us. To start with, we need the Truth, and In a time like this, do we ever. Jesus said, " And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free." ( John 8 : 32 ) So lets see what the Word of God say's about our enemy. The first description that comes to mind is; " Be sober, be Vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring Lion; walks about, seeking who he may Devour; "( 1 Peter 5 : 8 )

I think that is a good description. Stalking his prey, very subtle, moving in slowly at first and looking for a weakness. Then makes his move and takes you in his grip and begins to devour you alive before you even know it. Just like a Lion hiding in the grass. In order to protect yourself from such a dangerous enemy, you have to realize first, that he is very real, and is just waiting for a chance to destroy you and you're family, by whatever means possible. He will use; SEX , PORNOGRAPHY , STEALING , LYING , MURDER , ABUSE OF FAMILY , ( SPOUSES AND CHILDREN ), HOMOSEXUALITY , ABORTION , ADULTERY , DIVORCE , WITCHCRAFT , and any other means he can come up with. You see, we are created in the Image of God, and when satan see's you , he see's the Image of God. " So God created man in his own Image, in the Image of God created he him; male and female created he them." (Genesis 1 : 26 - 27 ) satan does not like the fact he can't be God, and Since satan can't do anything against God, he is determined to destroy as much of God's creation as possible before his time runs out. ( More on this subject in Revelation article. ) We are his prime target.

If you are, or have been targeted by the enemy, and you are facing any of the problems we have discussed, I want to say, there is Hope and it really does begin with God, our Creator. The only chance we have against this deadly enemy, is putting our lives and sins completely under the Blood of Christ. Understand that even then, the enemy will try even harder to make you fall, but you can overcome it. Jesus said, " In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. " ( John 16 : 33 ). When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we have all that we need. " You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."(1 John 4:4)

When you have the Lord on you're side, you also have the armor it takes to defeat you're adversary. " Put on the whole armor of God , that you may be able to withstand in the day of evil,-----. ( Ephesians 6 : 13 thru 17 ) Please read these verses for the parts of the Armor.

I know that the whole world is full of pain and anguish, and it may seem that there are very few answers to be found. But when you draw close to you're Father in Heaven, you will know it, as he draws near to you. Thats when the most powerful Love in the universe begins to fill you're spirit with Forgiveness, Love, and Joy beyond all comprehension, as the Almighty God of Creation gently wraps his arms around you, and Welcomes you Home.

I don't know of a greater gift, than the peace that comes when you accept Jesus into you're heart and you're Life. He will help you if you will only ask. And I hope you will. You don't need fancy words or special rituals to start a relationship with God. He already knows what is in you're heart and mind and the wrong things you have done in you're life. So why not just simply talk to Him about it. He will hear whats in you're heart and when you confess with you're own mouth your sins, repent, and ask for forgiveness, and accept His Son as Your savior, He will forgive you and you will be saved. Jesus Loves you so much that He died for you, and me, and through his shed Blood on the Cross we can be rejoined with God. ( see salvation ) SEEK HIM, and you WILL find HIM.


The moment Jesus died on the Cross----with one nail pierced hand he reached up and took the Hand of God , and with the other reached down and took the hand of Man , and brought the two back together - Forever.


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